AUGUST 2, 2018       6 PM

Several reports that the road is now open.  A local came thru and a camper reported to Haskin’s Store they had just arrived using the back road.

Apparently they sprayed a solution on the dirt to reduce dust and it was sticking to the cars as they traveled on the dirt detour so they closed the detour.






August 2, 2018    10 am

There is a ROAD CLOSED  sign at Walker Plain.   All west bound traffic turns around at Walker Plain.

The Bucks Lake Rumor mill says the road was sprayed with a dust controller and the stuff is sticking to the cars as they drove through yesterday.

No we do not know how long this is going to be closed.  But we will update this site as we get more information.

P.S. you heard it here on the $18 per year website the firefighters built.  Was the $3,850 plus $2,900 for the HOA secretary per year website a good investment by the BLHOA???

nothing about the road closure on the HOA website in the year 2018



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